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Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre

Holistic Vet - Homeopathic Vet - Acupuncture Vet - Herbal Vet - Natural Vet

Alternative Medicine for Ferrets


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Homeopathy Acupuncture Herbs Chiropractic Natural Feeding

As we decide that we would like to keep ferrets in cages (happily, many have greater liberty), for our own pleasure, we must do all we can to ensure suitability and richness of their environment and optimum quality of life. They are vivacious, inquisitive and very active creatures, related to otters, weasels, stoats, polecats and badgers. They are obligate carnivores.

N.B. They are susceptible to zinc toxicity (from galvanised cages).

Consider whether the animal may be allowed to roam the house. Ferrets can live free in the house, depending on certain structural issues. They can also spend a large amount of time around one's person. They make wonderful characters, when given a chance to express their full potential.

They can be prone to idiosyncratic drug reactions, with modern conventional drug therapy. They are prone to some infectious dog diseases and some of cats. Happily, ferrets respond well to homeopathic input and do not show adverse effects. This makes the treatment of sick animals very rewarding to the veterinary homeopath. Although rather apt to wriggle, they can also enjoy acupuncture.

We usually see ferrets at the AVMC premises but house visits can also be arranged, more or less UK-wide.

Whether we see a ferret at the AVMC or at home, we look closely at previous veterinary history and results of any tests or investigations. We take an extensive history, enquire into diet and lifestyle, ask about management of the home, garden and other environments and examine the ferret closely.

While offering a different alternative to the conventional norm, the use of homeopathy, acupuncture and other alternative therapies does not rule out the need for a proper examination and assessment of each individual patient, necessary diagnostic tests, appropriate measures to repair injury and a study of natural lifestyle and diet, in order to be able to speed recovery. We have enjoyed a good measure of success through this methodology, seeing, as in other species, recoveries from diseases which are usually associated with a poor prognosis in conventional terms and wisdom.

Holistic medicine and management implies that the environment, the diet, the animal’s individual nature and demeanour and the interaction with humans are all taken into account and modified for optimum health.

  • Have you ever been told that your ferret is now untreatable?

  • Are you concerned about the safety of modern drugs for your ferret?

  • Do you know what is in the foods or supplements you are using?

  • Are you confused by manufacturers' claims?

There may be another way .... Holistic methodology may provide some of the answers you are seeking.

See also:

Ferret Topics
Nutrition & Natural Feeding
Case Histories
Ferret Diseases
Preventive Medicine
Cage Mammals
Notifiable Diseases


Some of these conditions have been seen and treated at the AVMC:

Abscess Botulism Campylobacter Cancer
Cardiomyopathy Distemper Fleas Heat Stroke
Influenza Leukaemia Osteodystrophy Ringworm
  Ticks Urolithiasis  

Click on any condition for more information. Send a request if a disease is not shown or is not yet covered. N.B. Some of these links are in preparation.

While the only promises that can be made are that we will always concentrate and put in maximum effort on your animal’s behalf, and strive for excellence in the application of holistic natural medicine techniques, we are able to report an encouraging level of success in such troublesome and chronic conditions. A great many creatures have surprised their human companions with their ability to defy prognosis and recover. Follow a full holistic programme and rely on the animal’s innate healing ability.

See also: Pet Care

Ferret vital information:

Reasonable life expectancy 10 - 14 years


Rectal Temperature

Respiratory Rate

Heart Rate

Gestation Period

100.8oF - 104oF

35 breaths per minute

240 (220 - 250)

42 days


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Main Treatments offered (see Therapies):

Homeopathic treatment

Acupuncture treatment

Herbal treatment (Phytotherapy)

Aromatherapy treatment

Chiropractic treatment

Nutritional advice - Feeding advice

LASER treatment

Ultrasound treatment

Back manipulation - Back treatment

Bach Flowers

Holistic medicine - Holistic veterinary medicine

Flower Essences

Tissue Salts

Holistic therapy - Holistic treatment - Holistic care

Holistic advice

Integrated medicine

Natural medicine - Alternative medicine - Complementary medicine


Natural Feeding - Natural Diet


These approaches represent a philosophy that is alternative to the current conventional norm but the use of alternative therapies does not do away with the need for a thorough examination and assessment. Nor does it preclude the use of modern diagnostic techniques where necessary. A holistic vet will take into account all these things, in addition to closely scrutinising lifestyle, diet, environment etc.

Natural ferret

Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre

Holistic Vet - Homeopathic Vet - Acupuncture Vet - Herbal Vet - Natural Vet

Copyright © AVMC - March 2007

Associated websites: www.veterinary-homeopathy.co.uk/user/htdocs (new blog) - chris-day.live-blog.net/ - www.acupuncture-animals.co.uk - www.holistic-vet.co.uk - www.homeopathic-vet.com - www.veterinary-acupuncture.co.uk - www.veterinary-homeopathy.co.uk - www.veterinary-herbal.co.uk - www.veterinary-holistic.co.ukwww.alternativeveterinarymedicine.co.uk - www.alternativeveterinarymedicinecentre.co.uk - www.avmc.co.uk - www.naturalfeeding.co.uk - www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~avmc - www.chinhampublications.co.uk - www.equineacupuncturevet.co.uk - www.christopherday.co.uk - www.holisticvetmed.co.uk.



Page refers to: ferret homeopathy - ferret acupuncture - homeopathy for ferrets - acupuncture for ferrets - herbal medicine for ferrets - herbs for ferrets - ferret herbs - holistic vet - homeopathic vet - acupuncture vet - herbal vet - herb vet - herbs vet - nature - natural - natural vet - nature vet - pet - pets - chiropractic for ferrets - chiropractic manipulation for ferrets - manipulation for ferrets-  ferret homeopathy - ferret acupuncture - ferret - ferrets - complementary vet - alternative vet

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Copyright © 2007 Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre
Chinham House, Stanford in the Vale, Oxon SN7 8NQ (UK)
Tel.: #44 (0)1367 710324 - Fax: #44 (0)1367 718243

holistic vet - homeopathic vet - acupuncture vet - herbal vet - chiropractic vet - natural vet
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