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Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre

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Animal Legislation in the UK

The laws pertaining to the care of animals and the control of medicines are not widely understood. It is hoped that this section will clear some of the fog surrounding the major legislation currently in force, at the time of writing.

Laws affecting dog ownership Laws affecting dealings with wildlife Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
Medicines Act 1968 Veterinary Medicines Regulations EU Directives affecting vet medicines
Animal Welfare Act 2006 Protection of Animals Act 1911 Notifiable Diseases

Proposals for Compulsory Microchipping of dogs in the UK.

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Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre

Holistic Vet - Homeopathic Vet - Acupuncture Vet - Herbal Vet - Natural Vet

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Chinham House, Stanford in the Vale, Oxon SN7 8NQ (UK)
Tel.: #44 (0)1367 710324 - Fax: #44 (0)1367 718243

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