Natural Medicine
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Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre

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Natural Medicine for Animals

What is Natural Medicine (Natural Veterinary Medicine)? Information page


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Holistic, Alternative, Natural or Complementary?

FAQ Natural Medicine

Natural Vet

Products (some of the traps)

Natural medicine is generally taken as being synonymous with 'alternative' or 'complementary' medicine, using therapies or treatments such as Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine or Homeopathy. However, the meaning of the term is not self-evident, depending upon whether we stick to literal meaning or common usage.

Two facts are helpful for clarity and objective thinking:

1. Not all 'holistic', complementary or 'alternative' medicine is natural, in the strictest meaning of the term. As an example, LASER therapy is not natural but can be very beneficial and exploits natural healing processes.

2. Poisonous plants, arsenic and snake venom are all natural but may not be very beneficial (depending upon the context). Not all natural things are safe!

Nonetheless, at the AVMC we rejoice in working with Nature as much as possible and we never cease to be amazed by the results of stimulating the body's innate and natural healing capability.

Because of the success of the natural and holistic message in recent years, resonating with people's inevitable return to worthwhile values, instinctively rejecting the empty promises of 'big pharma' and the commercial, manufacturing and monetary interests of our modern industrialised societies, the words 'natural', 'green', 'holistic' and 'nature' have become widely exploited by commercial interest. These are designed to lower your guard. Be wary of commercial claims and product names that exploit the terms.

Beware 'The King's New Clothes'!

The words 'green', 'nature', 'holistic' and 'natural' are used in such a way as to prevent the listener or reader questioning the material. Do you remember the boy who hadn't been told about the King's New Clothes? Whenever these words are used to support an assertion or a commercial interest, take a really objective look and you might see the real 'King' behind the illusion, revealing naked commercialism.

natural vet - complementary vet - alternative vet - holistic vet

Acupuncture - Herbs - Herbal medicine - Homeopathy - Holistic medicine - Chiropractic - Bach flowers - Tissue salts - Aromatherapy - Natural feeding


 FAQ Natural Medicine

Main Treatments offered (see Therapies):

Homeopathic treatment

Acupuncture treatment

Herbal treatment (Phytotherapy)

Aromatherapy treatment

Chiropractic treatment

Nutritional advice - Feeding advice

LASER treatment

Ultrasound treatment

Back manipulation - Back treatment

Bach Flowers

Holistic medicine - Holistic veterinary medicine

Flower Essences

Tissue Salts

Holistic therapy - Holistic treatment - Holistic care

Holistic advice

Integrated medicine (Integrative medicine)

Anthroposophical medicines - Anthroposophy

Natural medicine - Alternative medicine - Complementary medicine


Natural Feeding - Natural Diet


These natural vet approaches to treatment of illness or injury represent a philosophy that is alternative to the current conventional norm but the use of alternative therapies does not do away with the need for a thorough examination and assessment. Nor does it preclude the use of modern diagnostic techniques where necessary. A holistic vet and natural vet will take into account all these things, in addition to closely scrutinising lifestyle, diet, environment, riding, tack, shoeing, grazing, stabling, management etc., depending upon the species.


Homeopathy Acupuncture Herbs Chiropractic Natural Feeding

N.B.: At the AVMC, we try not to be 'bogged down' by terminology or ideology. Much argument accompanies discussions on nomenclature. We do not mind whether we are called holistic vet, complementary vet, alternative vet or natural vet. Likewise, it does not matter whether we are described as a holistic, natural, herbal, homeopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture or integrated veterinary practice. The medicine we practise is the best we can offer, for each patient and it matters not whether it is perceived as holistic medicine, alternative medicine, complementary medicine, natural medicine, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM - CAVM) or integrated medicine. We offer traditional standards of professional care, in an integrated package. Although we specialise in alternative therapies, seeking alternatives to conventional drug therapy, we do not shun conventional therapy, per se, considering its worth in each case.

We have a deep respect for Nature and we work with Nature

Natural Medicine Lectures and Talks

Mr Day will give lectures or talks on many aspects of animal welfare, natural feeding, animal management, holistic medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, integrated medicine, pasture management etc. These talks are usually based on experience rather than theory and reflect a 40-year career in holistic medicine and veterinary practice.

Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre

Holistic Vet - Homeopathic Vet - Acupuncture Vet - Herbal Vet - Natural Vet


AVMC - 25 years old in March 2012!

Having used alternative medicine since 1972, Chris Day established the AVMC as a dedicated Holistic Veterinary practice in March 1987.

Chris Day is the UK's longest serving homeopathic vet, natural vet and holistic vet.



Copyright © AVMC - March 2009

Associated websites: (new blog) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Page refers to: holistic vet - natural vet - complementary vet - alternative vet - natural medicine - natural veterinary medicine - holistic vet cat – holistic vet cats – cat holistic vet – cats holistic vet – feline holistic vet – holistic vet dog – holistic vet dogs – dog holistic vet – dogs holistic vet – canine holistic vet – holistic vet horse – holistic vet horses – horse holistic vet – horses holistic vet – equine holistic vet – holistic vet pony – holistic vet ponies – pony holistic vet – ponies holistic vet – equine holistic vet – dog - cat - horse - pony - dogs - cats - horses - ponies - integrated vet - integrated vets - complementary medicine - alternative medicine - natural vet cat – natural vet cats – cat natural vet – cats natural vet – feline natural vet – natural vet dog – natural vet dogs – dog natural vet – dogs natural vet – canine natural vet – natural vet horse – natural vet horses – horse natural vet – horses natural vet – equine natural vet – natural vet pony – natural vet ponies – pony natural vet – ponies natural vet – equine natural vet – alternative vet - integrative vet - homeopathic vet - herbal vet - acupuncture vet - herbs vet - pet - pets - nature - nature vet - natural - canine - equine - feline

Natural Vet - Natural Vet - Natural Vet - Natural Vet - Natural Vet - Natural Vet - Natural Vet

Nature is precious

Natural vet with 40 years of experience in the field - working with Nature for Nature

Nature is neither 'good' nor 'kind'. Nature is neither 'bad' nor 'cruel'. Nature just is. With it, we're blessed, without it we're stuffed!

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Copyright © 2007 Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre
Chinham House, Stanford in the Vale, Oxon SN7 8NQ (UK)
Tel.: #44 (0)1367 710324 - Fax: #44 (0)1367 718243

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