The Alternative Vet

The work of an ALTERNATIVE VET explained – Information page


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FAQ Alternative Medicine

Homeopathy Acupuncture Herbs Chiropractic Natural Feeding


The use of the term ‘ALTERNATIVE VET‘ implies that a practice is offering an alternative approach to that of the mainstream service. Alternative Medicine (Alternative Veterinary Medicine) certainly does that and so do we at AVMC. That is the main reason that we chose the name ‘Alternative Vet'.

At the AVMC, we have many traditional values and standards that may be seen to be part of a fading world. We also believe in clients having a wide range of options, with freedom of choice.

We believe that clients should be firmly in the ‘driving seat', as far as decision-making and course of action are concerned. We try to explain all procedures and medications, to the extent required by each client, thereby making informed decisions a real possibility. We do not rush to invasive, complex, expensive or high-tech procedures or interventions as a matter of course, only suggesting them if/when they become absolutely necessary for the ongoing best interests of the patient. We believe in a decent and dignified end to a good life for our animals, which may not involve over-investigation, over-intervention etc.

Because we have a different outlook on medicine, there are many of our methods, procedures, treatments and interventions which are not in line with the current usual norm of veterinary practice. This makes the practice an ‘alternative vets'. In most cases, we tend towards less complex procedures, so long as patient welfare and well-being are not compromised. Hospitalisation is another procedure, which may not always be in the patient's best interests. We prefer animals to be at home if at all humanly possible. Who will sit up with a sick animal all night long? Whose face does the sick dog want to see? How many hospitalisation facilities have night checks and are not just locked up at night, with no one on site?

Because of the incredible advances in modern technology and knowledge, the natural trend is away from the simple and towards the more complex. Simpler and more traditional alternatives to these procedures are not always on offer in modern veterinary practice. One of the dangers of this trend is that modern younger vets may not learn how to function effectively without all the modern aids and client choice might suffer. Furthermore, the more technological and expensive procedure may not always be in the patient's best interests. The alternative vet recognises this and tries to retain traditional values without losing the benefit of modern advances.

We have started to build four websites, to illustrate and explain to enquiring readers what alternatives and choices may exist, under a range of circumstances, as befits an alternative vet. Please be patient as there is a lot of work involved, so they cannot emerge quickly. These will look at most forms of complimentary and alternative medicine and will not forget worthwhile traditional techniques that have gradually slipped from the conventional repertoire, in our ‘high-tech' times: – for cats – for dogs – for horses and ponies – for general veterinary procedures.

Of course, we do not pretend to suggest that the alternatives that will be mentioned on these sites are the only alternatives available. Alternative vets are looking into many different therapies, as their wish to provide the best for their patients drives them to look deeper than what modern conventional medicine can offer to as patient.

Please be patient, as these sites will not be built quickly. It is an extensive ongoing work.

Holistic, Alternative, Natural or complimentary?

The Holistic Vet

The Homeopathic Vet

The Acupuncture Vet

The Herbal Vet

The complimentary Vet

The Natural Vet


Integrated Medicine

An overview of the work of a holistic vet & the therapies involved

The work of a chiropractic vet explained

The work of an acupuncture vet explained

Extract from

The US has the most thorough definition (of Alternative Medicine).

A recent European Commission report says the accepted definition in the US is: “A broad domain of healing resources that encompass all health systems, modalities and practices, and their accompanying theories and beliefs, other than those intrinsic to the politically dominant health system of a particular society or culture in a given historical period.

“It includes all such products and ideas self defined by their users as preventing or treating illness or promoting health and well-being.

“Boundaries within complimentary and alternative medicine and between complimentary and alternative medicine and the domain of the dominant system are not always sharp or fixed.”

Main Treatments offered (see Therapies):

  • Homeopathic treatment
  • Acupuncture treatment
  • Herbal treatment (Phytotherapy)
  • Aromatherapy treatment
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Nutritional advice – Feeding advice
  • LASER treatment
  • Ultrasound treatment
  • Back manipulation – Back treatment
  • Bach Flowers
  • Holistic medicine – Holistic veterinary medicine
  • Flower Essences
  • Tissue Salts
  • Holistic therapy – Holistic treatment – Holistic care
  • Holistic advice
  • Integrated medicine (Integrative Medicine)
  • Anthroposophical medicines – Anthroposophy
  • Natural medicine – Alternative medicine – complimentary medicine
  • CAM – CAVM
  • Natural Feeding – Natural Diet

These approaches represent a philosophy that is alternative to the current conventional norm but the use of alternative therapies does not do away with the need for a thorough examination and assessment. Nor does it preclude the use of modern diagnostic techniques where necessary.

A holistic vet and alternative vet will take into account all these things, in addition to closely scrutinizing lifestyle, diet, environment, riding, tack, shoeing, grazing, stabling, management etc., depending upon the species.

Alternative Medicine Lectures and Talks

Mr Day will give lectures or talks on many aspects of animal welfare, natural feeding, animal management, holistic medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, integrated medicine etc. These talks are usually based on experience rather than theory and reflect a 40-year career in holistic medicine and veterinary practice.


Homeopathy Acupuncture Herbs Chiropractic Natural Feeding


The Therapies

Alternative vet, also known as: alternative veterinary surgeon – alternative veterinarian

N.B.: At the AVMC, we try not to be ‘bogged down' by terminology or ideology. Much argument accompanies discussions on nomenclature. We do not mind whether we are called holistic, complimentary, alternative or natural. Likewise, it does not matter whether we are described as a holistic, natural, herbal, homeopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture or integrated veterinary practice. The medicine we practice is the best we can offer, for each patient and it matters not whether it is perceived as holistic medicine, alternative medicine, complimentary medicine, natural medicine, complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM – CAVM) or integrated medicine. We offer traditional standards of professional care, in an integrated package. Although we specialize in alternative therapies, seeking alternatives to conventional drug therapy, we do not shun conventional therapy, per se, considering its worth in each case.

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